Saturday, January 30, 2016

Math Explorations

On Thursday the students had an opportunity to explore some hands on math materials, including pattern block template puzzles, geoboard geometry, and array multiplication.  Multiplication is being introduced as repeated addition.  

Ex.  3 x 5  is the same as 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 (3 five times)
5 x 3 is the same as 5 + 5 +5 (5 three times)

When children can see multiplication simply as repeated addition, 
it is often less intimidating.  The concept is more approachable when students realize it's the same addition skills they've been using all along!  The arrays on grid paper (see photo below) allow a concrete visual, and emphasize the concept of equal groups. 
(Same number of squares in each row or column.)

Where do goods come from?

In Social Studies we have been exploring how goods are made and brought to us.  This week we investigated where some of our own clothing was made-- and mapped out the results.  The next day we did the same activity with objects found around the room.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Beat the Calculator

Ask your child to tell you about the latest Math game, which we learned today: "Beat the Calculator"!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

From Egg to Chicken

Last week we were fortunate to be visited by John Harnois from Harnois Farm.  He brought along a rooster from his farm as well as chicken eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs, and taught us all about raising birds on his farm.  Mr. Yaeger happened to be passing by and gave us a real ostrich egg from his own classroom!  We all learned a lot and had a wonderful time. I may or may not have accidentally let the rooster out of my arms when given the job to hold him.  
(It was quite a scene, as you may have heard!)

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

Last Friday we gathered as a school to honor Martin Luther King Jr. with songs and a story read by Mr. Court.  A group from the second grade soccer team The Wolverines also presented about a drive for soccer balls to be donated to other countries in need.  We have a collection box in our classroom.  Please feel free to send money in for this great cause!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Special Guests

This week has been full of special guests, and there is more to come tomorrow!  On Tuesday we were visited by a representative from the Ecology Center, who engaged the students in activities on life cycles. We also discussed processed food versus fresh food, and how we can work to have more waste free meals.  

On Wednesday, Sammy's dad came to visit us to talk to us about his job in the Army.  The children had an opportunity to ask questions and learn about the various different roles people hold in the 
Army.  He also spoiled us with lots of goodies. Thank you, Mr. Fitzpatrick!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Welcome Sean!

This week we welcome Sean Bennett to our classroom!

Paragraph Formation

This week we learned about writing paragraphs. We started with a graphic organizer: an umbrella with our "topic" at the top, and three supporting details underneath. We then wrote a paragraph using this is a sort of "map". We ended each paragraph with a concluding sentence.  We will continue to work on these throughout the year.


This week we have been working on measurement practice in math. We learned about the "standard foot" and each student worked with a partner to measure objects around the room with a "foot-long foot".

Author's Chair

One of the things the students enjoy best about writing is SHARING their stories with their classmates.  This week we had a few new authors in the Author's Chair.