On Tuesday we had a lovely post-Memorial Day ACES walk to the Arb! Thank you to Mahir's mom for joining us on the walk!
This week we have been working on different styles of writing, including magazine articles and advertisements. Some children wrote non-fiction pieces about animals, some wrote How-To pieces, and many worked on advertisements. They ranged from imaginative to futuristic to silly!
Over the past few weeks in Math we have really been moving along with multiplication. It was first introduced and practiced most of the school year as repeated addition:
2 x 4 = 8
We can look at this as 2 four times: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
4 two times: 4 + 4
We are concentrating now on the basic multiplication facts and making them more automatic. This week the children partner practiced with multiplication fact triangles. This would be an excellent activity for the summer, in prep for third grade.
In Science we have continued along with our exploration of sound, by experimenting with different objects that you can actually see vibrating as they make a particular sound:
We have been hard at work all week with "Pinocchio" rehearsals! The children are excited to share the production with you!
Our class giving their all during the Tug of War at the Ice Cream Social: